Update 46: January & February 2025
Hi all!
We’ve got a lot of ground to cover in this one, so here’s another quick “thank you” for a wonderful 2024.
Now, let’s get into it!
April Playtest
We’re planning an open playtest from Friday, April 11 - Sunday, April 13.
We’ll likely continue to have stress tests and quick spot checks in the weeks leading up to the test, so keep an eye on our Discord for updates and more info.
See you there!
Expenses & Roadmap
Expense Report
We know how important it is for the community to believe in the health and sustainability of the project. You’re investing your time in us and our world, and we want you to be well-equipped to make a fair assessment.
MnM may not be for everyone, but we’ll always be open about how we operate.
As of 2025, we’ve spent $104,725 on the development of Monsters & Memories (2020-2024).
Our total spend for 2024 was $37,217.10.
You can read more details on the breakdown of expenses and our transparency pledge once we’re in Early Access on our Development Costs page. Our hope is to be one of the most transparent companies in the industry.
We’ve updated our Roadmaps page. The high-level roadmap now correctly shows the Early Access starting target of Q1 2026.
Please note that we’ll modify these dates if we feel that more time is needed. We’re not under budgetary pressure, but we’re also eager to get you in and playing.
New Additions
We’ve been negligent in posting new additions to our team in the last couple of updates, so here are the guys who’ve come onboard in the last 4 months:
Steve/Swanny joined us in November as a Web Application Developer
Joaquín/Kuinu joined us in November as a 3D Animator
Dragan/Soleres joined us in November as a Texture Artist
Andrew/Autokey joined us in January as a 3D Animator
Bryce/Rift joined us in January as a Tradeskill Designer
Pavlo/Paul/Fromhome joined us in February as a Programmer
Concept Art & UI
Keepers Bight POIs and structures
Deep Dunes/Caves of Irem
Player carts
Foliage and environment textures
Character Art
Horses and horse accessories
Myconid model and texture
Treant model and texture
Several new armor sets
Gothic weapon set
Wood Elf (bow and throw)
Horse (rigged)
Environment Art
Lighting implementation (post Unity 6 upgrade)
New texture implementation
Keepers Bight
Waterfalls and rivers
Orc Fortress area
Sacred Tree
Massive hollow log and roots
Hanging Garden Inn
Penshaw fishing village
Highpoint Terrace
Grounds, waterways, and towers
Palace façade
Deep Dunes
Terrain and geo progress
Tree shader and pipeline
Shallow Shoals (nearly complete!)
New ship
New islands
New mini-dungeon
New shipwrecked dhow
New ruins and caves have appeared in Evershade Weald
More props and undergrowth are in the works
Sungreet Strand geo and road updates
Skeleton player models can now be used as props
Modular prison bar set
New mini dungeon in [redacted]
Night Harbor Sewers geo updates
Audio & Music
Body cracking up mid-air while falling to the ground
Body falling to the ground rumble
Taking damage
Taking damage
Armor Break
Fire casting
Fire projectile
Fire impact
Distant wolf howling in Night Harbor (rarely at night)
Hotkeys to quickly mute/unmute music and sounds
The nefarious Pasha and her Gilded Claws have taken residence in Night Harbor; seek them out!
Several lower level outdoor zones have had their respawn time slightly increased
Fallen Pass, Glass Flats, and Tel Ekir respawn times increased
Evershade Weald population and early itemization work
Minor Bone Construct encounter fixes
Wyrmsbane population and itemization adjustments
Tel Ekir population naming adjustments
Night Harbor Crypt fine tuning
Vale of Zintar population work
Shallow Shoals population work started
Sungreet Strand grain cellar prep work
More Night Harbor MUD actions added
All existing MUD actions in Night Harbor reviewed/edited
Various quest dialogues reviewed/edited (ongoing)
Lore work for Wood Elves (Faelewyn), Faelindral, Evershade Weald, and Keepers Bight
Lore work for Deep Elves dusted off; more to come
Deep Dunes mapping and initial blockout
Expedition dungeon mapping and discussion kickoff
Some abilities have new sound effects
Wood Elves now start in Faelindral/Evershade Weald
Experience gains decreased to expected levels
You can now toggle the PvP flag by using the /pvp command, toggling it off starts a 5 minute timer until it's disabled
Adjusted tooltip text for readability
Swimmer minor non-combat trait enabled
Added Herbalist minor non-combat trait
Added to the game
Herbalism trainer and merchant are now available
Sickle is now properly used to harvest Herbalism nodes
Woodworkers can now process wood into wood boards at a sawmill
Added new arrow types and recipes
Arrow recipes now use wood boards instead of wood
Added 5x, 10x, 15x, and 20x yield recipes for each of the following:
Stonehead Arrow
Copperhead Arrow
Bronzehead Arrow
Ironhead Arrow
Steelhead Arrow
Mithrilhead Arrow
Cobalthead Arrow
Adamantiumhead Arrow
General Abilities
Pets now only cast beneficial abilities and buffs on themselves and their master (shouldn't include Elementalist auras)
Primary “slow” durations increased
Exhaustion remains at 1 minute
Enervation increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes
Fatigue increased from 1 minute to 3 minutes
Lethargy increased from 1 minute to 4 minutes
Debilitation increased from 1 minute to 5 minutes
Tooltips updated accordingly
Bind Wound now uses Bind Wound skill instead of Alteration
Placate spells can once again be used on more than one target
Swirling Shadows line has had its damage increased and duration increased by 12 seconds per spell
Removed “Limit 1" from the Root tooltip as it can be cast on multiple targets simultaneously
Traveler's March is now Percussion
Dissonant Riffs line is now Brass
Hymn of Inspiration is now Brass (temporarily)
Added ability: Shrink Companion
Exceptional Heal is now level 32, down from level 36
Grip of Nature duration increased from 30 to 60 seconds
Fixed an issue where Summoned Manastone did not have its clicky effect
Enfeeble duration reduced from 2 minutes to 1 minute
Enfeeble now reduces Strength, Dexterity, and Agility by 5, up from only Strength by 2
Enfeeble line fleshed out with abilities: Enfeeblement, Infirmity, Frailty, Torpefy, Cripple
Armor Break tooltip now indicates a 30 second duration
Life Drain line scaling changes
Life Siphon is now level 16, up from level 12
Life Leech is now level 24, up from level 16
Life Tap is now level 36, up from level 20
Life Guzzle is now level 48, up from level 24
Life Duct is now level 54, up from level 28
Life Flume is now level 60, up from level 32
Fixed an issue where Summoned Lifestones did not have their clicky effects
Shadow Knight
Life Drain line scaling changes
Life Siphon is now level 26, up from level 22
Life Leech is now level 34, up from level 26
Life Tap is now level 46, up from level 30
Life Guzzle is now level 58, up from level 34
Life Duct removed
Life Flume removed
Now has access to the Enfeeble line
Lurching Impairment is no longer limited to one target (but has a 2min cooldown)
Fixed channeling animation on player and Ashira races
Several fixes for head tracking
Reduced speed while climbing and fixed backwards animation
Killing blows now report the total damage done by the attack and not just the amount needed to kill the target
Throwing daggers will now have a visible projectile
Ensured one ability from each stance is on when zoning or learning spells
Prevented client side display glitch when toggling stances while you have multiple separate cooldowns available
Fixed a bug where clients would randomly gain ultravision
VFX now scales with the caster for on-hit effects
Fixed animation never ending after fishing
Fixed stacking of various shielding buffs
Fixed nametag jitter
Fixed /scribeallspells not updating the client immediately
Fixed a bug where you couldn't memorize an ability after memorizing another
Fixed innate book not updating when scribing an innate ability
Fixed the 11th and 12th hotbutton slots not saving
Fixed auto-follow causing self-interrupt even when standing still
Removed orient to ground component from drake, orc, and wasp
Fixed required level on ability descriptions showing 0
Fixed moving abilities in spellbook creating duplicates
Fixed /set level on npcs not working correctly after multiple sets
Fixed an issue where /set level couldn't set npcs above lvl 60
Fixed hidecorpse not showing help text when used with no arguments
Fixed corpses not loading correctly (such as in the standing pose) when they are shown after being previously hidden when entering the zone
Fixed the model loading system sometimes not loading a model
Fixed Entity.AddComponent not working on disabled entities
Fix scroll bars auto-scrolling after clicking them
Added support for mounts, stabling, and mount inventory
Initial implementation of housing
NPCs can now swim
Summoned pets now have a generated name by default
Added sounds to bow autoattacks
Added animation event handling components to Ratman model
Added Find unused opcode tool
Added /ignore
Added /afk
Added /ignored command to list all players you are currently ignoring
Added autoclear afk setting
Brightened party member name color
Added friends list
Added /charinfo command to show what zone you are currently bound in
Added /disband to disband your party
Added /timemod command
Added /split command to split coins with your party
Added additional options to show and hide corpse commands
Added looted option to /hidecorpse
Added /hidecorpse allbutgroup
Made party member corpses appear when they join your party if they were previously hidden
Added settings to change the display of your name or other client names (none, first only, first and last, first, last and guild)
Unified how settings are saved
Mounts now exist, can be ridden, have stats, and can carry various bag types.
Mounts can be stabled and beckoned. Stabled mounts are local to the area/zone, meaning you need to return to that zone to beckon (recover) them.
Housing can now be purchased. Customization is currently in progress.
In Closing
As we said before, thanks a ton for a fantastic 2024!
We look forward to seeing you in the playtest in April, and any stress tests we fire up before then.
As always, if you want to help us out, the best way to do so is to keep spreading the word:
See you in the next update!