
A ranged-based damage class, possessing situational abilities.


The following races can be archers: Deep Elf, Goblin, Halfling, High Elf, Human, Ogre, Wood Elf

Archers are highly specialized ranged combatants, who devote themselves to mastering use of the bow.

These wizards of wood and steel are able to utilize a broad arsenal of ranged attacks. Archers are capable of mortally sniping from afar, penetrating the strongest armor, debilitating moving enemies, and even imbuing their arrows with elemental energies.

Adventuring parties are smart to employ these specialized, but highly capable combatants. This arrangement is mutually beneficial, as all but the most highly skilled archers can find it difficult to adventure alone.

Archers typically wear leather armor and can wield all ranged weapons and most melee weaponry.

A jack of all trades fighter, whose music supports allies and enthralls enemies.


The following races can be bards: Dwarf, Halfling, Human, Wood Elf

Bards are traveling musicians who learn to manifest song as a form of magic. Unlike the other great magic users of Eth-ur who focus in a specific field, bardic magic is very diverse in its origins and capabilities. While a bard’s song may not be as strong as certain magical spells, the experienced minstrel can bring to bear a solution for nearly any problem.

Within an adventuring party, a bard is often sought out for their ability to enhance and inspire their allies. The time spent in taverns makes most bards decent melee combatants and quite capable at other roguish skills.

When adventuring alone, a clever bard can find success in leveraging their wide range of skills and songs.

Bards wear leather armor and are capable of wielding nearly all weapons, instruments, and alcohol filled flagons.


A wild, martial combatant who is assisted by pets.

The following races can be beastmasters: Deep Gnome, Halfling, Human, Ogre, Troll, Wood Elf

Beastmasters are fierce, two-fisted melee combatants who draw upon the powers of animistic spirits to enhance themselves and gain influence over wildlife.

Beastmasters also have access to shamanistic magics through communion with wild spirits. The most unique and outstanding use of this magic is their ability to take on the form of an animal. They are also able to tame wild animals and strengthen themselves and allies through various spells.

While the stereotypical beastmaster is depicted adventuring alone with their animal companion, they are very capable damage dealers whose magics are a welcome addition to any adventuring party.

Beastmasters wear leather armor and wield most melee weapons.


A plate wearing warrior priest, who excels at holy magic, healing, and buffing.

The following races can be clerics: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, High Elf, Human

Clerics devote their lives to mastering healing and protective powers that stem from their stalwart beliefs and discipline. This is most commonly, but not always, manifested through their faith and service to a deity.

Clerics are primarily magic users who specialize in mending wounds, curing ailments, and empowering allies. Powerful clerics may even bring their fallen allies back to life.

Though clerics excel at healing, they are competent melee combatants. Through strength of arm and unwavering faith, clerics smite their enemies with steel and employ powerful words and wards.

Within an adventuring party, a cleric’s primary role is most often that of a healer, yet they can be fairly sturdy folk and take blows in place of their allies if the need arises.

A cleric may find difficulty adventuring alone, unless they are fighting foes against whom their faith specializes in destruction.

Clerics prefer blunt weaponry and are typically seen in heavy plate armor.


A naturalist who communes with the wild to unleash powerful nature and healing magic.

The following races can be druids: Deep Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Troll, Wood Elf

Druids are protectors of the natural balance of Eth-ur. They are adept healers, skillful augmenters, and competent wielders of nature’s destructive powers.

Druidic magic on Eth-ur primarily employs elements from nature, but may harness astral powers as well. Offensively, these powers reflect nature’s most destructive elements.

A druid’s true strength lies in their adaptability; they can erode a foe’s resistances to spells, provide various magical enhancements to allies, summon the aid of natural beings, and even harness their connection to other planes to facilitate teleportation.

These diverse capabilities allow them to fulfill many different roles in adventuring parties, but through clever use of their magic, they are often seen braving the wilds of Eth-ur on their own.

Druids prefer to wear leather armor while wielding blunt weaponry or specialized blades, such as sickles and scimitars.

A conjurer of elemental magics, including a variety of elemental pets.


The following races can be elementalists: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Deep Gnome, Gnome, High Elf, Human, Ogre

Elementalists are dedicated magic users who devote themselves to the study and mastery of elemental forces, both on Eth-ur and throughout the greater planes. An elementalist is rarely without an elemental companion, and much of their magical ability is devoted to empowering or otherwise utilizing these companions in various ways. That being said, an elementalist’s magic is very capable at raining down chaos and maelstrom upon their enemies directly.

As a result of their interest in and study of the elemental planes, elementalists have learned to conjure various useful—though sometimes strange—items, each with a myriad of different uses.

Within adventuring parties, it is most often the role of an elementalist and their elemental companions to bring as much harm to the group’s foes as possible. With the aid of their elemental allies, an elementalist never truly adventures alone.

Elementalists wear cloth armor and have limited access to melee weaponry, often preferring staves, wands, and daggers.


An illusionist, mesmerist, and beguiler who makes a strong crowd-control class.

The following races can be enchanters: Deep Elf, Deep Gnome, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, High Elf, Human, Troll

Enchanters are subtle spellcasters who study magic that affects the mind and manipulates the ephemeral, making them masters of control and subterfuge.

An enchanter’s spell book is diverse and situational. It is in those unique situations where the application of their magic is most powerful. Their greatest strength in battle is their ability to assault the minds of their foes, causing them harm, incapacitating them momentarily, or turning them against their allies.

Enchanters are also capable of imbuing their allies' weapons with magical effects, causing them to inflict greater harm with their blows.

An enchanter is most at home when adventuring with others, and their role within adventuring parties is primarily that of one who controls the battlefield. When adventuring alone, an enchanter may encounter some difficulty, but clever application of their unique magic may ease that burden.

Enchanters typically wear cloth armor and tend to wield staves, wands, and daggers.


A master of weapons and melee combat who is also a premier tank class.

The following races can be fighters: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Ogre, Troll, Wood Elf

Fighters are those who strive to master the multitude of arms and armor that one may find throughout their travels. They excel at being at the heart of combat, taking blows for their allies and striking back in kind.

Fighters are found in nearly every culture across the continent of Aêthoril. A unifying link between all fighters is the courage to stand toe-to-toe with even the greatest of monsters. As such, their commanding presence in battle can control the flow of chaos by directing attention onto themselves.

A fighter’s equipment is often selected based on the situations they may find themselves in, meaning that veteran fighters always have a diverse arsenal at their disposal. However, in terms of weaponry, many fighters prefer to enter combat with a weapon in each hand, should the situation allow.

While adventuring, a fighter should find themselves most comfortable when in the company of others. The world of Eth-ur is a dangerous place, and skill in battle alone can only get you so far by yourself. Besides, without a group of companions in tow, who will carry their ale?

Fighters can wear all armor types and are capable of wielding all weapons.


The following races can be inquisitors: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, High Elf, Human

An anti-mage knight who disrupts and controls their enemies.

Inquisitors are brutally efficient melee combatants who, through use of magic and force of will, assault the minds of their opponents to dominate and control the battlefield. Inquisitors are often employed by various organizations throughout the continent of Aêthoril as enforcers of said employer’s particular brand of justice.

Inquisitors tend to be driven folk who will get the job done no matter the cost—and in the most direct manner imaginable.

Using their magical training, an inquisitor is capable of quite a few different ways to assault an opponent’s mind. This includes temporarily rendering a foe unconscious, eroding an opponent’s willpower making them more vulnerable to attack, and permanently damaging their psyche.

Inquisitors often find themselves as the focus of their foe’s attention, making them well suited for the role of protector within adventuring parties. While adventuring alone, an inquisitor may find some difficulty, though through skill and determination, can still find some manner of success.

Inquisitors can wear plate armor and wield most weapons.


A strong martial artist who hones in on the strength of their body to unleash powerful kicks and punches.

The following races can be monks: Deep Elf, Human, Ogre

Monks are skilled martial artists who devote themselves to shaping their bodies into deadly, yet graceful, instruments of violence. For many monks, this devotion is of a spiritual nature, though this is not necessarily true for all of them. Most monks view battle as a grim necessity to further their art. Others view battle as a righteous and glorious end, rather than a means.

Monks choose to face their opponents up close and head on. Above all else, monks choose to master the use of their bodies as weapons. With deadly blows, well placed kicks, artful dodging, and even the ability to fake their own death, monks make for potent melee combatants.

Within an adventuring group, monks use their speed, dexterity, and bravery to draw in foes for their allies to fight. They also deal significant harm to their enemies, and if needed, maintain the attention of said enemies.

Some monks may find adventuring alone a difficult task. Others use their unique skills to help them through periods of solitude while they wander Eth-ur, searching for new adventures.

Monks can wear leather armor and prefer to fight with their fists or wield staves.

A spellcaster who studies the art of necromancy to reanimate the dead and unleash powerful poison, disease, and corruption magic.


The following races can be necromancers: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Deep Gnome, Gnome, Goblin, Human, Troll

Necromancers are shadowy spellcasters who dedicate themselves to the study of the soul and its connection to life. Necromancers are most infamously known for their reanimation of (or otherwise tampering with) corpses. Many people view necromancers with disdain and distrust, if not outright revulsion, due to the grim (and, some believe, profane) nature of their work.

The pages of an experienced necromancer’s grimoire contain many different curses which debilitate and harm both the living and the undead. A necromancer’s greatest tool, however, is their ability to animate undead minions. They are also capable of shaping flesh and bone in order to mend wounds… though such magic often comes at a personal cost.

While adventuring, a necromancer’s purpose is to harm and debilitate their foes, while their allies—be they undead servants or fellow adventurers—shield them from harm. A necromancer can find success in both adventuring parties and adventuring alone.

Necromancers wear cloth armor and typically wield staves, wands, scythes, and daggers.


A knight who combines their fighting skills with faith based magic.

The following races can be paladins: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, High Elf, Human

Paladins are ardent knights who staunchly devote themselves to a deity, ideal, or cause. They complement their martial prowess with powerful magic that is derived from the strength of their beliefs or faith.

Paladins are steadfast melee combatants who weave life energies into their blows, providing succor to their allies. Their magic allows them to heal, cure, protect, and embolden those around them. Paladins are also known to specialize in the destruction of the undead.

Within an adventuring group it is most often a paladin’s role to shield their allies from harm by directing the ire of their foes upon themselves. They may find difficulty when attempting to adventure alone and are best suited towards assisting others.

Paladins typically wear plate armor and wield most melee weaponry.


The following races can be rangers: Dwarf, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Ogre, Wood Elf

A fighter and archer with a druidic gift.

There are few who are as capable at traversing the wilds of Aêthoril as rangers. They are wandering survivalists who combine nature-based magics with blade and bow. Rangers are known as skilled explorers and guides, as they spend most of their time traversing the most difficult climes.

While rangers are able to cast natural and astral spells, it is not to the same effect as druids. They make up for this through skillful use of melee and ranged weaponry. Still, a ranger’s magic is quite capable of causing harm, debilitating their foes, or rooting them in place.

Within an adventuring party, a ranger most commonly takes the role of melee combatant, seeking to bring down their foes as quickly as possible. However, they are also quite capable of supporting their party at range or with magic.

Resourceful and skilled rangers can make their way alone, as long as they utilize all of the skills available to them.

Rangers wear chain armor and have access to a wide array of weaponry.


A thief and trickster who excels at stealth, daggers, and thievery.

The following races can be rogues: Deep Elf, Deep Gnome, Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Troll, Wood Elf

Rogues are deft combatants who devote themselves to mastering the use of stealth, poisons, and all manner of tricks. All across the land of Aêthoril, wherever you find a shady back alley, a run down tavern, crowded marketplace, or gathering of distracted nobles… you will also find rogues.

They are also known to be skilled informants, thieves, and even assassins.

Rogues bring a plethora of skills into combat. The use of poisons to harm or debilitate foes or a well-placed strike may catch an opponent off guard, temporarily taking them out of the fight.

In tough situations a skilled rogue can quickly vanish from sight, allowing them a chance at a surprise attack or the option to leave the battle altogether. However, they are at their best when their foes are distracted by others, as to turn your back on a rogue is to invite a pointed outcome.

In adventuring parties, a rogue's role is that of melee combat, focusing on the destruction of their enemies. While adventuring alone, they may find it hard to take down stronger enemies, but through stealth and the picking of pockets it’s feasible that they can at least afford a beer or two.

Rogues prefer lighter armor and can wield most melee weaponry.

Shadow Knight

A knight who utilizes necromancy and other corrupt powers to augment their fighting abilities.

The following races can be shadow knights: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Human, Ogre, Troll

Shadow knights are grim combatants who commit their lives wholly towards seeking out the greatest evils lurking throughout Eth-ur, no matter the cost. Their motivations differ: some search the darkness for personal power or fame, while others carry with them a vendetta or bright mission wrapped in a black cloak.

Shadow knights harness magic that originates from the very darkness they strive so relentlessly to combat. This magic primarily takes the form of draining and leeching spells, as well as spells which shape shadows to enhance the caster’s defenses.

Within adventuring parties, it is often a shadow knight’s duty to attract the ire of their foes away from their allies, though they are also quite capable at inflicting harm. When adventuring alone, a shadow knight may find some success through clever use of their magic.

Shadow knights can wear plate armor and usually prefer to wield two-handed weapons, though they are capable of wielding all types.


An alchemist who speaks with the spirits and has powerful heals and curses.

The following races can be shamans: Deep Gnome, Goblin, Human, Ogre, Troll, Wood Elf

Shamans are animistic spellcasters who study and commune with spirits, souls, and nature.

For many cultures across Aêthoril, and Eth-ur more broadly, shamans serve as spiritual leaders and moral guides. Within these cultures the shaman often takes on the role of mediator between ancestor spirits and descendants, allowing communication between the two parties.

The shaman often walks along the edge of many realities.

Shamans are powerful healers with access to many regenerative spells, as well as a wide range of spells that may enhance an ally’s combat prowess or debilitate and destroy their enemies.

Experienced shamans can summon bestial spirits to aid them in combat. Though most powerful when casting spells, they are also capable melee combatants when the need arises.

Within an adventuring party, a shaman most often takes on a supporting role. When adventuring alone, they may find some success through clever use of their abilities.

Shamans may wear chain armor as well as wield blunt and piercing weaponry.


An offense-focused fighter who infuses their weapons with arcane magics.

The following races can be spellblades: Deep Dwarf, Deep Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, High Elf, Human

Spellblades are scholarly warriors who combine swordplay with spellcasting. To a spellblade, this combination is a delicate and beautiful art which they devote their lives towards mastering and refining.

Experienced spellblades often choose to wield a weapon in each hand as a means of further pushing the bounds of their skilled bladework. They tend to study similar magic to that of wizards, but a spellblade’s line of magic primarily focuses on shielding and enhancement.

By using their weapons as casting implements, spellblades become a beautiful whirlwind of magical and martial destruction within combat.

A spellblade should find adventuring most comfortable when supported by others. Within an adventuring party, a spellblade is, above all else, a honed implement of destruction, though they may take on a more defensive role if needed.

Spellblades can wear leather armor and can wield staves, daggers, and swords.

An extremely gifted spellcaster who utilizes destructive magic to slay their foes.


The following races can be wizards: Deep Elf, Deep Gnome, Dwarf, Gnome, High Elf, Human

Wizards are dedicated scholars of the magical arts who seek to become masters of magic through study and practice. As the forerunners of magical knowledge and resource, they hold the ability to cast the most complex and dangerous spells available to mortals.

Wizards excel at bringing battles to a swift end from afar with correctly chosen and deliberately timed spells. Should they become too depleted to use their spells, they are able to enter melee, delivering magically enhanced blows that reinvigorate themselves.

Wizards are also capable of making foes more vulnerable to magic, enhancing allies' blows with extra effects, and manipulating the fabric of reality with teleportation focused magic.

Within adventuring parties, a wizard's role is focused on violence of action: to deal as much harm as possible, as quickly as possible. Some wizards may find adventuring alone to be difficult, but clever use of spells could prove otherwise.

Wizards wear cloth armor as well as wield staves, swords, and daggers.