Update 06: Sunrise over Night Harbor

Watch "2021-03-10 05-39-26" on Streamable.

Nick captured this video of some of the work he’s been doing with zone lighting, the skybox, and our moons.

As you can see, the zone and its inhabitants are all very much placeholder. Everything in here is being used to test and learn.

Night Harbor is a “greybox” environment filled with capsule NPCs that allow us to test our zone population tools, pathing, combat, looting, and other core loops.

We’re also using it to learn about geometry (ex. what scale & shapes provide the best feel), traversal timing, texture style (will the painted look work?), and object density.

We currently have around 5 zones that we’re doing this with for different reasons, and at different levels of completeness.

We believe that all of these zones will be rebuilt several times as part of the iteration process.

Our goal at the moment is to learn and drive the game systems forward as quickly as possible.

It’s gameplay before beauty.

That said, even in this greyboxed state, moments like the video here, show just how cool the game can and will look when we’re done.



Update 07: The Evolution of Hult BeetleWrangler


Update 05: Character Concept Art