Update 11: “Project_N” has a new name!

Much like a magical creature, we’ve been keeping “Project_N’s” true name a secret for quite a while - but today we’re happy to be able to announce the game’s official name!

Welcome to the world of…


Some background on the name:

The name is a reference to the nostalgia we feel for our early days of first playing CRPGs, late night Pen & Paper sessions with our friends, and thumbing through fantasy books and roleplaying manuals, while dreaming of other worlds.

It also refers to two of our favorite aspects of our time spent playing MMOs: Encountering interesting creatures and characters, and the memories we take away from the adventures we share in these worlds!

We’re creating this game with a lot of great memories in mind, and we’re excited for our community to have a chance to experience a place that allows all of us to tap into those feelings once again.

And for a whole new generation of players - we want to provide a challenging world, in which they’ll encounter fantastic monsters for the first time, and create memories which they’ll one day look back on with this same nostalgia.

Website update in progress:

As you may have noticed, we’ve been updating the website to reflect the new name.

Let us know in Discord if you notice anything’s broken.

Also, always feel free to come by Discord or the Twitch stream to provide us with suggestions and ideas.

We’ve been adding small updates to the site, so be sure to check it out if you haven’t in a while.

Expect more of these in the coming months.

The ProjectN.Online url will still get you to the site, but be sure to update your bookmarks to the new  MonstersAndMemories.com address.

And, as always, we’re hugely grateful when you share the site and info about the game with your friends, families, guilds, and others.


Logos, more logos, and merch:

We’re happy with where we’ve landed with this first logo, and it’s been fun to mock up ideas like the images above to try and capture the old school vibe.

As with the game, we want to openly discuss ideas for the logo with all of you in the community and get your feedback as we go.

One of the reasons why we’re excited to share this process with you, is that it’s also our hope to make a ton of variations that invoke our favorite memories from our gaming past.

Also, in keeping with our goal to keep Monsters & Memories free of microtransactions, we want to beguile your wallets with customizations… um… merch you can wear outside of the game.

We're looking forward to making a nice variety of t-shirt designs and other merch available with different takes on the logo and illustrations.

Have ideas for a new design?

Come let us know on Twitch and Discord!

01. NWC Banner Moons - Tighter Moons.jpg

In case you missed it:

We formalized the company last month!

As we joked about during our streams last year:

“Why start a company, when you can start a cult?”

Our eclectic band of adventurers: Ali, Astra, Hamad, Logan, Nick, and Shawn, are now officially the Niche Worlds Cult.

And what’s a cult without community? So, thank you all for being here!

We have exciting times ahead of us and look forward to sharing them with you!


Update 12: Lotsa Fundamentals


Update 10: Quick Tech Overview